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联阳半导体股份有限公司 (ITE Tech. Inc.,以下简称联阳) 成立于1996年,总公司设在新竹科学工业园区,是一家专业的 Fabless IC 设计公司, 早期深耕PC及NB控制晶片的开发设计,其Super I/O (输出入晶片)及Keyboard and Embedded Controller晶片技术已是全球领导者,尤其I/O产品全球市占率已超过四成, 客户群涵盖各主要个人电脑制造厂商。随着公司稳健发展,ITE联阳逐渐扩展产品及技术领域,已拥有各项领域之专业人才,包括PC/NB控制IC、数位电视接收控制IC、多媒体控制IC以 及Analog IC等产品之软、硬体设计开发及行销人才。
ITE联阳多年来整合各种技术,积极投入研发,陆续开发许多先进IC智慧财产 (SIP) 及系统软硬体的高度整合技术 (Integrated Technology),藉由其多样性的产品组合, 以系统平台的概念,提供客户完整之Total solution,并密切与世界领先厂商策略合作,增进开发产品的能力与速度,以提供客户高品质的产品,与客户一起成长,创造双赢的机会。
01. PC 及 NB 相关控制晶片
ITE联阳多年深耕Desktop、Notebook及Industry PC市场,拥有业界最完整的IP及坚强的资深研发团队,为客户提供最完整的功能及最具成本竞争力的产品, 其中I/O产品在Desktop已取得很高的市场占有率,Embedded Controller也已获得多家国际Notebook大厂高度的认同与采用。
02. 数位电视控制晶片
因应数位电视的风潮,ITE联阳Demodulator产品,涵盖DVB-T/H 、DMB等各国规格,并整合了MPEGII、H.264等Video及Audio decode技术,提供最具竞争力之单晶片(SOC)产品。
03. 多媒体控制晶片
在 Multi-Media方面,整合既有的Audio、Video、Graphic、USB、等关键技术和自行开发的电源控制及数位讯号处理技术,达到数位类比高度整合,可开发各项省电、多功能的多媒体相关产品。
04. ANALOG IC 产品
以高效能低功率的整合方案为目标,技术涵盖电源控制、AD、高耐压恒流LED驱动、Audio amplifier、High speed serial interface 等,可充分满足市场上不同应用之需求。
ITE Tech. Inc. (abbreviated as ITE ) is a professional fabless IC design house, established in 1996 and headquartered in Hsinchu Science Park. ITE started from the development of PC and NB Controller chips in the early years and takes the global lead in Super I/O as well as Keyboard and Embedded Controller technology. The market share of the Super I/O products, adopted by many well-known PC manufactures, has been over 40 percent worldwide. Following steady growth, ITE gradually expands in the product line and technology field. Currently there are many excellent engineers with specialty in software/hardware development on PC/NB Controller, Digital TV Receiver Controller, Multimedia Controller, and Analog IC as well as marketing talents.
After many years of technology integration, ITE has developed much advanced Silicon Intellectual Property (SIP) and highly integrated technology of system software/hardware. Through the combination of diverse products, a complete total solution can be provided to customers by the concept of system platform. Moreover, ITE strategically cooperates with globally leading suppliers to enhance the capability of development and speed up the schedule of Time-to-Market. After growing up with customers, ITE can provide the products with high-quality to customers and therefore a win-win situation can be created for both.
ITE has been dedicated to the desktop, notebook and industry PC markets for many years. With the most complete IP in this industry as well as capable and experienced R&D teams, ITE provides customers with the most full-function and cost-competitive products , among which, I/O products applying to Desktop have already taken a very high market share, and embedded controllers have obtained recognition from many internationally well-known Notebook manufacturers and been implemented to their products.
Conforming to the trend of the digital TV, ITE’s Demodulator product complies with the specification of DVB-T/H, DMB, etc. In addition, ITE integrates Video/Audio Decoder technology on MPEG-II and H.264 to provide the most competitive SoC product.
For the Multimedia Controller, ITE integrates the existing key technology of Audio, Video, Graphics, USB with the self-developed technology of Power Control and Digital Signal to achieve great integration of Digital/Analog, contributing to the power saving and multi-function on multimedia-related products.
Aimed at high efficiency and low power, this technology includes Power Control, AD, Highly Pressure-resistant & Constant-current LED Driver, Audio Amplifier, High-speed Serial Interface to fully meet various requirements from customers.
显示全部Datasheet产品规格书 官网:www.ite.com.tw
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